New acquisitions

  • Magic – Springsteen is back – his best in many years.
  • Halo 3 – other than getting slaughtered by twelve year-olds wired with neurochem, it’s a lot of fun, and now can play it on the
  • 52″ Sharp AQUOS LCD HDTV – possibly the best birthday present ever!

    Also picked up a set of Cambridge Soundworks T300s, and am waiting for the Onkyo TX-NR905.

    The home theater is almost complete.

    Now if I can just find the time to use it.

  • Lights Out

    Despite the “VideoGate” incident, and all the trash talk of certain members of the San Diego Chargers, the Pats totally dominated tonight.

    It was a perfect night to be at Gillette – gorgeous weather, the team firing on all cylinders, and the crowd was wild.

    Too bad the Sox lost, though – was watching the game via Slingbox and giving updates in the stands..

    Apple’s position on iPhone development

    Ok, I’m one of those who thought the whole ‘Web 2.0’ development model rah-rah RSJ presented for the iPhone was, well, lame.

    Now there’s been several ways to ‘jailbreak’ the phone, such as this one explained at

    But there’s always been the sword hanging over developer’s heads that Apple could disable this functionality with a firmware update. It seems that they’re not inclined – at the moment – to do so.

    Greg Joswiak of Apple says that while they won’t support development, they won’t hinder it either. (nothing was said about breaking the service provider lock)

    So if you break your iPhone, you own both parts. But that’s a pretty enlightened approach – and it gives them an opportunity to survey the landscape for application development (and developers) as well. Sometimes that works out (SoundJam/iTunes), sometimes it doesn’t (Watson/Sherlock).

    It also implies that applications running on the iPhone should run on the iPod touch as well.

    Full article here.

    Update: Or maybe not.